The SMI Peer Mentor Program promotes future STEM teachers to expand their pre-teaching preparation experiences by networking with more advanced SMI student participants. This service is free to all active SMI students. To request for an SMI Peer Mentor, please complete the request form.
2020-2021 SMI Student Leaders
Click to read their stories

Teresa Alvelais
Class standing: Senior
Major: Chemistry
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Mentor, Exam Preparation Leader, NSF Noyce Scholar Apprentice, Student Office Assistant, TTSM President
The world desperately needs more skilled STEM professionals. However, STEM professions have historically been exclusive to the privileged. As a result, STEM lacks the true diversity needed to make transformative changes in our world. We are facing multiple crises from health to the climate that disproportionately affect the disadvantaged. In a time where science is at the forefront, from epidemiologists to climate scientists, we need a diverse field of professionals in order to direct innovation towards helping those hit the hardest by these disasters. The first step towards increasing this diversity is in the classroom. I can do my part by educating students equitably, and to encourage those traditionally pushed out of STEM by the system to pursue a STEM career and to follow their dreams.
I’ve seen the impact a teacher can have on underrepresented students through my father’s teaching. He was a first-generation Mexican American who became the first in his family to receive a degree in science. Through the years he has passed on that opportunity to his own students who received the encouragement and support they needed to succeed in STEM. I want to follow in his footsteps and make a similar impact on the world.
While I’ve wanted to become a teacher since I was little, SMI has given me the opportunity to get a head-start on my career. Through fieldwork, I have been able to work alongside teachers in the classroom and sharpen my skills. SMI has given me financial assistance through scholarships and exam reimbursements, professional developments, and material resources to help me get through college. More importantly, SMI has allowed me to make lifelong connections with like-minded, passionate future educators who I know will make a positive impact on the world.

Rudy Baluyot
Class standing: Junior
Major: Biochemistry
Student Leadership Roles: Peer Mentor, SMI Tier III Scholar Apprentice
My main reason for pursuing a career as a STEM educator is to give students in low-income areas the best educational experience that I can offer them. There is a large difference in terms of quality of education when comparing low-income areas to affluent, and I wish to do something to change this.
I was inspired to become a teacher by Mrs. Davis, my AP Biology and Anatomy teacher. Even as a student I could tell that she put an immense amount of time into her lessons and her students. Countless times I would notice her taking notes down listening to her students' feedback. From time to time I would just sit down with her and listen to her talk about her lessons and her passion for her subject and students. She truly inspired me just through her hard work alone. Even when I was not at my best, she still pushed me to do everything that I could. At some point at the year I decided to become a teacher
On my professional pathway, SMI continually gives me the advice I need whenever I need guidance. Entering UCR as a first year, I had no idea what it meant to be a teacher or even how to become a teacher. It wasn't until I was in SMI, I was able to get the answers I needed. After being in SMI for two years I can gladly say that it has guided me towards the right path as I am now set on being a STEM educator. Currently as a peer leader, I am given the opportunity to help other like-minded students find their path to becoming a STEM educator through the resources that SMI offers.

Victoria Cavallas
Class standing: Junior
Major: Biochemistry
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Mentor, SMI Tier III Scholar
I always knew I wanted to pursue a career in the STEM field because of how much I enjoy learning about and talking about science, especially Biology. Showing others how fun and interesting Science can be is something I enjoy immensely. I want to be a STEM educator specifically because I am passionate about helping young people realize their intellectual potential. I believe that everyone is capable of growing their intellect with practice and hard work and it is my goal to help students recognize this.
My parents inspired me to work hard and to pursue a career I know I will enjoy. I wouldn’t have made it this far into my educational journey without their unequivocal support. I was also inspired by my high school film teacher to pursue being an educator who is passionate about the subject they teach.
SMI helped me gain confidence in my professional journey by showing me the steps necessary to reach my professional goals. This is thanks to SMI showing me many great resources that I hadn’t known about prior to joining. The peer mentor program, the guest speaker series, and the CSET prep courses provided me with helpful advice from peers, information about grad schools and tools to prepare me for important CSET exams. I’d be lost in regards to what I need to do to prepare for life after undergrad, if it weren’t for the help of SMI.

Ramses Cuadros
Class standing: Senior
Major: Mathematics for Secondary School Teacher
SMI Leadership Roles: TTSM Community Chair
The main reasons I want to become an educator in STEM is because I have always enjoyed the natural sciences. Although I know that subjects like Chemistry and Math hold negative connotations, this is a belief I do not agree with. I am pursuing a career as a STEM educator in an attempt to combat the current underrepresentation of STEM educators in High Schools.
Along with naturally finding mathematics intriguing, I have always had the best relationships with all my High School math teachers. My junior year Calculus teacher Ms. Dumancic constantly kept me informed of opportunities for higher education and always motivated me to maintain a driven and goal-oriented attitude towards education.
SMI has made it possible for me to establish a solid system of networking where I am always informed on new opportunities of professional development, CBEST/ CSET Preparation Workshops, and guidance and support with achieving my goals.

Llisel Dayot
Class standing: Junior
Major: Applied Mathematics, Environmental Sciences
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Mentor, Tier III Scholar
Like many people, I want to become a STEM Educator because it combines two of my passions: Mathematics and helping others. But two additional causes that have motivated me to become an educator is that I want to provide an easy-to-understand and fun learning environment to underprivileged students who do not have accessible learning resources and help them gain a better understanding and appreciation for the world of math.
My grandma is the one who inspired me, more like assured me of becoming a teacher. Like most parents who want their children to pursue careers in either the medical or engineering field, my parents were no different. Up until senior year of high school, my career choices were either to be a pediatrician or some sort of engineer to satisfy them; however, when chasing these careers, I have met many mental walls eventually leading me to grow disinterested in these paths. Aware of my passions for math and helping others, I saw that becoming a teacher was the best fit. Initially, my dad was in denial about my career change, upset how his first born will not become an engineer like him, but as my extended family became aware of my career change, they told me stories of how my late grandmother was a great educator back in their hometown in the Philippines. Eventually, by hearing more stories the more I was getting excited about pursuing Education and felt more confident in my choice of becoming a math teacher. Although my grandmother had no explicit "push" in inspiring me to become a teacher, her stories are what inspired me and solidified my choice in becoming an educator.
Although I am still a new member in the SMI community, SMI has offered me many opportunities that aid me in my professional growth. For example, SMI has given me access to EDUC003. By taking EDUC003, it exposed me on how to create an ideal learning environment for students when teaching STEM classes. By being a part of the class it also gave me access to fieldwork where I can observe a high school math teacher first hand and take in tips and advice intended for me to become the best teacher I possibly can be.

Sharon Guerra Enriquez
Class standing: Senior
Major: Mathematics for Secondary School Teacher
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Mentor
Students will remember a teacher as either a good or bad teacher. There is far more to teaching that I had anticipated entering this major, but I have been inspired to continue down this path due to my education courses. Initially, teaching was something I thought I was good at because I was a peer tutor in high school. It made sense to teach the subject I excelled at: math. Teaching started as something I could possible do, but it has turned to aspiration of becoming a good teacher for future generations, impacting their lives in a positive way. My education course’s professors have motivated me to be the best I can be because they structured the class differently than any other class I’ve had in the past. Freshman year, I went through the motions not knowing how to get to my goal, but SMI helped me know what steps I should take.T

Haruko Kuwayama
Class standing: Senior
Major: Mathematics for Secondary School Teacher
SMI Leadership Role: Peer Mentor, Exam Preparation Leader, SMI Tier II Scholar Apprentice
I remember having teachers in K-12 that were able to motivate the class to do assignments, keep the class under control, and teach in a fun and memorable way. I always admired those types of teachers, so when someone asked me what I wanted to do as a career, I knew that I wanted to influence the next generation of students the way those teachers did for me. I always enjoyed learning math because of the wonderful math teachers I was able to meet who encouraged me to believe that anyone can succeed in math. Being an educator is not just teaching material, they also have to make sure their students have the mindset to succeed for future classes as well; I want to help students become confident in math, even if they think they can't do it.
SMI helped me further my path in teaching because of the fieldwork opportunities, peer mentoring programs, and workshops that I would not be able to find anywhere else that are specifically for future STEM educators. Definitely worth joining!

Juliana Lin
Class standing: Senior
Major: Biology
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Mentor, Exam Preparation Leader, SMI Tier II Scholar Apprentice
My main reason for pursuing a career as a STEM educator is to encourage more students to try out science experiment and love science more because most people are afraid of science. My high school anatomy teacher inspired me to become a teacher because she made our class very interesting and it was very fun when we experienced dissection by ourselves. SMI has helped me experience in-class observing the teacher and keep me on track on finishing my tests.The benefits of peer mentoring for me is that my mentor provides me a lot of extra information I didn’t know about before. For example, like the scholarships and registering for CSET exams early... etc. She also helped me during my EDUC 003 fieldwork and helped me with helping the students in class. Being in peer mentor program is very helpful because not only does it keeps you on track with all the classes and tests, but it also provides you more extra information you wouldn’t know before and guide you with your next step.

Brandon Lo
Class standing: Sophomore
Major: Biology
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Mentor, SMI Tier III Scholar
One of my main reasons for pursuing a career as a STEM educator is my mother. She was a math and English teacher back in Cambodia. Education was scarce in Cambodia, so being able to learn was a luxury during that time. Throughout my childhood, she told me stories about how the children would bring her gifts because they were so appreciative of her and her teaching. Having such an impact on these children made my mother love teaching because it is an essential and self-rewarding career. My mother did not force teaching upon me, but her stories and suggestions to pursue the career imprinted on me as a young student.
The SMI Program has helped guide me along my professional pathway through various different opportunities. My EDUC 003 fieldwork required me to shadow and observe a high school Chemistry class. From this experience, my instructor gave me the privilege to be able to plan and teach lessons to a classroom full of students. Not many EDUC 003 students had the same opportunities in their fieldwork for teaching is not required, so my earning this hand-ons teaching experience early on in my path has allowed me to demonstrate my commitment to teach. Additionally, the SMI Peer Mentor Program has gifted me a long-term mentor that I can reach out to for guidance. Mentors are contracted for one year; but the friendship I built with my mentor and I have kept in contact beyond our year together, and she continues to help me along my path. I am fortunate that I joined the SMI Program during my freshman year because it has given me a jump start towards becoming an educator just like my mother.

Sofia Lonh
Class standing: Senior
Major: Physics
SMI Leadership Role: Peer Mentor, Exam Preparation Leader, SMI Tier II Scholar Apprentice
The main reason I want to pursue a career as a STEM educator is because of the stigma that science is difficult to learn. I want to be able to inspire students to find a passion for science and believe that they are smart enough to learn “difficult” courses such as chemistry and physics. Many people avoid learning science because they believe they are simply just “not a science” person, or more commonly, “not a math person". I want to change this mindset because although learning STEM courses may be challenging, the knowledge gained is more than worth it
I have always had a passion for helping my peers academically, but I did not realize it at first. It just came naturally. I even volunteered as a tutor for many years in high school. When I came to college, I started working as a tutor again but with younger children. This was when I knew I wanted to be a teacher because I love spending time with kids. I want to influence them and help them excel in science. I even hope to inspire some of my students to pursue a career in STEM.
SMI has helped me tremendously. When I first joined SMI, teaching was only something that I was considering. With the help of my peer mentor, my experience in EDUC 3, and Leslie's guidance, I realized that I wanted to pursue a career as a high school physical science teacher. EDUC 3 taught me a lot about what teachers have to go through to ensure that they can teach their students. I learned that teaching a subject is not the primary goal but rather providing support so they can learn to fall in love with gaining knowledge.

Matthew Loustaunau
Class standing: Junior
Major: Environmental Sciences
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Mentor, Exam Preparation Leader, SMI Tier III Scholar Apprentice
For as long as I can remember, I have always had an eager interest to study and understand the natural world around me. Ever since my early science fair projects as an elementary student, I have always loved the investigative nature of scientific inquiry. My passion for the physical and natural sciences have only grown during my undergraduate experience here at UCR. Everything we know about the universe, from the greatest star to the tiniest atom, is the result of scientific research and inquiry. I have dedicated my life to understanding nature, and now my passion is to teach - I want to cultivate the next generation of brilliant minds and innovative thinkers in my local community.
The demand for qualified science teachers in our nation is astounding. The careers in STEM are expected to significantly increase over the next few decades. With the rise in new STEM careers, there comes an increasing value in high quality science education. In order to address and solve real-world issues such as climate change and global pandemics, we rely on a valuable STEM background; everything begins in the K-12 classroom. For these reasons I have chosen to pursue a career in the field of science education. I am especially interested in environmental toxicology, and I am so excited to become a credentialed chemistry teacher in the very near future. Although teaching is a very challenging career, it is also very rewarding and essential to the future development of our society.
The SMI program has given me the amazing opportunity to realize my educational goals and career path. I have had the privilege of observing and participating in a wide variety of school sites in the local area. These field work opportunities have allowed me to network with faculty, credentialed teachers, and fellow undergraduate students who are also pursuing a similar career. I am delighted that the peer mentoring, exam reimbursements, scholarships, and field work experience have all contributed to my success as a prospective teacher. I am truly grateful for the generous financial support and the incredible academic resources provided by the SMI program. There is truly no greater way to explore the world than through the lens of science and mathematics.

Melinda Rose Medina
Class standing: Senior
Major: Biochemistry
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Mentor, Exam Preparation Leader, Tier II Scholar Apprentice
I have always had a passion for science. It has always been fun for me to learn how the world arounds us works. I want to be a teacher because I feel that teaching the future generations science is important, and also would be a fulfilling career. It's important to learn and teach science because it influences our everyday choices like why we should use reusable bags over single use plastic ones, or why the temperature stays cool near the beach even in the summer.
I am inspired by my high school chemistry teacher. His classes were the reasons I looked forward to going to school, and all I wish to do as a future teacher is to be that for my students. My high school chemistry teacher always held me up to high expectations, and taught me to believe in myself and my capabilities as a student and a human being. As a future teacher, I hope to give my students that same kind of encouragement and support.
SMI has helped me tremendously with the process of how to become a teacher in California. Before joining SMI, I had no idea what qualifications were required in order to become a teacher. Now in my second year of being in SMI, I have completed many of those qualifications, and will continue to do so as the year goes on.

Jacqueline Mesropian
Class standing: Junior
Major: Mathematics for Secondary School Teacher
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Mentor, Tier III Scholar
I want to pursue a career as a STEM educator because I know how much of an impact teachers have on their students’ lives. I empathize with students who are dealing with outside struggles and I wish to bring some sort of peace into their lives. I want to make math and school more enjoyable, knowing the stigma attached to both.
My high school calculus teacher is the one who’s inspired me to pursue teaching. He’s shown me the ropes and what it takes to be the best.
SMI has provided me with the best opportunities for my future and has solidified my plans for the next five years. Through SMI, I’ve learned about different credential programs, different scholarships, and my timeline to take grad school exams. Overall, my biggest regret is not joining this program earlier.

Quinn Monahan
Class standing: Junior
Major: Chemistry
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Mentor, SMI Tier II Scholar Apprentice, Exam Preparation Leader, Student Office Assistant, TTSM Secretary
All my life, I’ve loved science. I love just being able to learn and explore how the world works. It gives me the chance to think about something much bigger than myself. I had the coolest science teachers growing up, and they’re the ones that really got me into science. They helped me to mature and expand my mind and to think about more than my own drama. I want to be able to do that. I want to help kids grow, learn, and explore their own person. I want to do it through science. I want my students to learn to love science like I do, and to use it to broaden their horizons. I believe, as a teacher, I will make a difference in the lives of my students, and hopefully help them to make a difference in their own lives.
I was inspired both by my teachers, and by myself. My teachers helped me to learn what I needed, and they did it in a fun, exploratory way. They took my thirst for knowledge and gave it a fuel to power it. I always had a love of science, mostly chemistry and astronomy, my teachers just escalated it.
SMI has helped in so many ways. Going through the peer mentor program as a mentee introduced me to everything and got me going down the path towards graduate school and teaching. As a mentor, it taught me a lot about effectively communicating and building a relationship with peers and students. I also learned a lot about record keeping and attentiveness. Through the early fieldwork courses, I got to participate in a real high school science class again. Rather than studying coursework, I got to study how to present it. This was very eye opening for me, and it taught me both how difficult it really is to teach, but also that it’s worth it. Lastly, the financial support this program has given me has helped me so much in my progression in the program. The scholarships and reimbursements have both helped me pay for life and college, as well as given me motivation to continue my progression through the program. I cannot thank SMI enough for all the program has done for me!

Melissa Morgan
Class standing: Senior
Major: Mathematics for Secondary School Teacher
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Mentor, Exam Preparation Leader, SMI Tier II Scholar Apprentice, TTSM Public Relations
My main reasons for pursuing a career as a STEM educator are my love of math and my love of helping others. Math has always been a subject of great difficulty for me but has always piqued my interest. I want to utilize my interest in mathematics to help others grow to be their best selves in the classroom as a mathematics teacher.
What has inspired me to become a teacher is the joy I have witnessed in my fellow classmates in secondary school and my younger siblings when I or someone else helped them understand a mathematics problem. It brings me great happiness knowing that I was able to help someone else understand something they didn’t previously.
SMI has helped me gain extensive classroom and professional experience through its connections to classes that offer field work and various professional development opportunities. Not only has it helped me gain experience, but it has also helped me prepare for my future career through workshops and the peer mentor program.

Miguel Oh
Class standing: Senior
Major: Mathematics for Secondary School Teacher
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Mentor, Exam Preparation Leader, NSF Noyce Scholar Apprentice, TTSM Vice President
I’ve dealt with a fair share of people in my life say things like “I’m not a math person”, or “I really hate math.” Throughout middle school and high school, I never had the greatest teachers nor was I the best at mathematics, but the subject always interested me. So my main reason for pursuing a career in STEM education is to inspire other students to enjoy doing what you think is interesting, regardless of if you’re good at it.
My parents inspire me in every aspect of my life, whether academic or personal. They raised me to believe that I can achieve anything through hard work and determination.
SMI has given me so many opportunities that I’m certain I wouldn’t have been able to find myself. Resources, opportunities, professional development events, workshops, scholarships, it’s all here for the future educators of our society

Anh Phan
Class standing: Senior
Major: Biology
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Mentor, Exam Preparation Leader, NSF Noyce Scholar Apprentice
I think we all have at least one teacher who went above and beyond for their students. For me, I was fortunate enough to have several inspiring teachers who guided me to become who I am today ever since elementary school. I initially chose medicine as a career path to follow my parents' wishes. However, the deeper I went into the pre-med route, the more out-of-place I felt. I ventured to education hoping to make use of what I have learned and pass them onto future generations. Naturally, I was anxious and skeptical about my decision as it changed my entire career path to an unfamiliar territory under the constraint of time and finance. Thankfully, my friend's recommendation to join SMI helped me greatly to outline my coursework and exam requirements, in addition to the SMI peer-mentoring program (shout out to Teresa!) and field work opportunities helped paved my pathway. With the permission and guidance from both my education professor and mentor teacher, I became more involved in the field assigned classroom. The sense of accomplishment I felt when both the students and I experienced solving a problem together became my weekly dose of happiness. In less than a year, I was able to finish all my required exams and fortunately I had obtained the NSF scholarship that offered a year-long fieldwork contract and leadership opportunities. Being introduced to such an amazing team encouraged me to set my personal goal as an aspiring STEM educator and to be someone who not only teachers but someone who provides guidance and support to students.

Jocelyn Rios
Class standing: Senior
Major: Mathematics for Secondary School Teacher
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Mentor
I want to become a STEM educator because I want to encourage and make students confident enough to pursue STEM. I want to create a space where students feel comfortable enough to be themselves and ask for help. I also want to be someone a student can come to when they have problems they cannot get help with at home or from other teachers. Growing up I did not have many teachers who I was comfortable enough with to ask for guidance or about problems that were not classroom related. When I did have a teacher like this, it did not go unnoticed, and these are the teachers that would stand out to me the most.
SMI has helped me not only plan for the remainder of my time until graduation, but also plan for my application process into a teaching credential program. With SMI I have received advice and guidance on how to do well in courses, prepare for CSET exams, and the opportunity to do field work.

Arcelia Rosales-Becerra
Class standing: Senior
Major: Mathematics for Secondary School Teacher
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Mentor
My main reasons for pursuing a career as a STEM educator is because I get to do my two favorite things: math and teach. Math was a subject I enjoyed throughout K-12 and being a tutor at a local elementary in middle school helped me realize that this was something I wanted to do. I would like to see students develop skills and confidence in mathematics.
My dad is an inspiration for me because he is a hard worker who constantly reminds me that I can accomplish anything I dedicate myself to. I also come from a family of teachers. I have family members in Mexico and here who are teachers and it further shows me that this is something I was meant to do. I get to work with young people, and I love knowing that I can be a teacher to the future of the world.
SMI has helped me through their mentoring program, workshops, and professional development events. I am now a step closer to pursuing my plans after undergraduate life. I have gained knowledge and skills that I otherwise would not have been possible without SMI’s great resources.

Jessica Situ
Class standing: Senior
Major: Mathematics for Secondary School Teacher
SMI Leadership Roles: TTSM Treasurer
My main reason for pursuing a career as a STEM educator is because I love math. Because of this reason, I want to share that joy with other and for them to understand that math is cool. This simple reason is why I want to become a math teacher.
SMI has provided me many resources. With workshops and seminars provided, I have been able to learn a lot about ways to utilize these resources. When I signed up for EDUC 3 and EDUC 4, I was able to gain field work experiences and I learned about how teachers in secondary schools connected with their students and how they effectively shared their content knowledge. I was able to take notes and take part in teaching and it really strengthened my view into becoming a math teacher.
I met many friends in SMI and TTSM who shared similar interest as me. I had a lot of fun meeting with the people in SMI and TTSM because they were really welcoming. Shout out to Leslie, our advisor, who's there to support us future teacher. I really appreciate their help.

Erin Wong
Class standing: Junior
Major: Mathematics for Secondary School Teacher
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Mentor, SMI Tier III Scholar Apprentice
Each and every one of my teachers have shaped my passion to become an educator in STEM as I have witnessed and experienced the long-lasting impact teachers had on my peers and my own life. With STEM negatively stereotyped as some of the more difficult subjects in K-12, my hope is to create a positive environment that provides better pathways and accessibility for students to become better equipped with the skills necessary to succeed - especially in math. I hope to expand on the ways my teachers have shaped me as a student both in and out of the classroom.
Both my grandmother and my mother inspired me to pursue teaching, as they were both educators themselves. The passion and joy they poured out into the lives of their students led me to want to do the same and carry on the tradition.
Being a part of SMI has opened so many doors for my professional pathway to becoming a teacher with opportunities like field work, testing resources, and support that I wouldn’t have otherwise been able to find myself. This program has guided me through the steps I needed to take to become a teacher, providing me with the information and skills I need to be successful in my career.