Our Services
CalTeach-SMI is a UC systemwide program created through a compact between the Governor of California and the UC President. The mission of the program is to promote STEM education and to increase the pipeline of future science and mathematics teachers in California.
Participation in the program is free. However, all students participants must be a declared STEM major in either the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (CNAS) or the Bourns College of Engineering (BCOE). All SMI mentor teachers are California credentialed single-subject science or mathematics teachers.
To best serve program participants, CaTEACH-SMI provides four general areas of services:
- Early pedagogical training
- Pre-service advising and mentoring
- Professional networking
- Financial support
To schedule your SMI Advising (after you've attended an SMI Information Advising Workshop), email your request to smi1@ucr.edu.