The SMI Peer Mentor Program promotes future STEM teachers to expand their pre-teaching preparation experiences by networking with more advanced SMI student participants. This service is free to all active SMI students. To request for an SMI Peer Mentor, please complete the request form.
2022-2023 SMI Student Leaders
Get to know them. Read about:
How SMI helped them in their professional teaching pathways.
One of their travel destinations.
One word that best describes them.

Fabian Acosta
Class standing: Senior
Major: Mathematics for Secondary School Teacher
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Leader, Noyce Scholar Apprentice, TTSM Vice President
SMI has helped me make all the progress I have made towards my end goal of becoming a future STEM educator. It put me on the track for me to even know my progress to begin with. From there, I began completing things like CSETs to get closer to becoming a qualified teacher, all with SMI's general and financial support.
I want to go to the music festival Coachella one day because it's right by my hometown and I'm usually familiar with all the artists on the lineup. It would be a fun experience to listen to all the songs live with all the energy that comes with it from the artist and from the crowd.
I would have to say "consistent," because I'm going to always get the work done. My priority of school makes it so that I could never give something less than my best effort.

Scott Bedford
Class standing: Senior
Major: Mathematics for Secondary School Teacher
SMI Leadership Roles: SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Leader, SMI Tier II Scholar Apprentice
SMI has helped me in so many different ways. It helped me find life long friends who help me in my professional and personal growth. It also shed light on the professional pathway to teaching that I knew nothing about.
Given the chance I would like to visit England again. I have family in England, and so my family was lucky enough to be able to visit them somewhat regularly growing up. In between visiting relatives I would like to explore the cities and countries in ways I have yet to see.
Nerdy. I am obsessed with, not only math, but games, physical and digital, such as Pokemon, Dungeons and Dragons, and any board game I can get my hands on.

Jessica Carrillo
Class standing: Junior
Major: Mathematics for Secondary School Teacher
SMI Leadership Roles: SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Mentor, SMI Tier III Scholar
The SMI program has provided the information I need to understand the different steps to becoming an educator. I was informed of the CBEST and CSET, more importantly, was provided with the resources to understand the different components of the test. The program allows me to receive more classroom experience by having the opportunity to have an in-person observation in middle school and high school classrooms. These observations help me understand the different aspects that teachers will face in running the classroom and the different factors teachers must understand about their students and classroom.
A location that I would love to visit Mexico, specifically more inland and near Mexico City. I would love to tour the ruins of Tenochtitlan and the museums nearby and learn more about the Mexica. I would like to learn about the land and the architectural style used by Mexicans. There is also the Mexica culture that I would love to learn more about, and the different arts created by Mexica. I want to experience the environment allocated to this historical location, feel the atmosphere created by the buildings and see how the current land is built around the ruins. And to learn accurate information from people who have dedicated their time to understanding this civilization from different Museums in Mexico City.
Bubbly. I love to laugh. I feel that a connection with a person is to converse with them and to share a laugh. In that aspect, I tend to laugh a lot within a conversation to add a bit of relief because it is pleasant to talk with people. Conversing provides positivity to my life because I learn new things, whether it is about others or a unique perspective on the world. While I may not be confident enough to walk up to someone, I will always be open to talking with others when they initiate the conversation.

Eric Dao
Class standing: Junior
Major: Chemistry
Student Leadership Roles: Peer Mentor, Student Office Assistant
The SMI program has assisted me along the way to becoming a future STEM Educator by allowing me to have access to so much information regarding the official steps to take to become a STEM educator. These steps involved taking a certification exam, taking several courses to allow to have field experience, and more. These have all pushed me along the road to becoming a STEM educator and are only furthering my understanding of what is required to become an educator.
One location I would like to visit is somewhere with snowy winters as I have not been to an area with snow before and would like to experience what snowfall feels like for once. I can’t help but think that I’ll probably dislike the cold weather since I’m from Southern California, but I would at least like to experience snow and the other sports that are played in a snowy environment.
Efficient! Completing tasks to the best of my abilities is a goal that is always in mind as everything done should be done with full capabilities for the best outcome. There’s no need to overdo certain objectives, all tasks should be completed without wasting time or energy while being done in the most optimal manner to avoid complications!

Michelle Dinh
Class standing: Senior
Major: Mathematics for Secondary School Teacher
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Leader, Noyce Scholar Apprentice, TTSM Public Relations, Student Office Assistant
The SMI program has helped me in so many different ways on my path to become a future STEM educator. The program has helped me to complete the math subject level competency tests (CSETs) that I actually didn't know about at all until I joined the program. Not only that, they provided me financial assistance so that it did not become an obstacle for me to achieve this goal. Also, this program opened my eyes into what secondary school educators experience when I had the opportunities to go to fieldwork and be under the guidance of amazing mentor teachers. Their passion inspires me to learn how to become a better future teacher and leader for the next generation.
One place that I would like to visit is South Korea. I would like to visit and try different food places or restaurants across the country, as I really enjoy eating Korean food here in the United States, like tofu soup, bbq, spicy rice cake, kimbap, and many more. I also would like to experience what island life is like, specifically in Jeju Island, as I have only seen how beautiful it looks from videos and pictures online.
Friendly! I would like to think that I'm a friendly person, as I try to say hi to everyone I know whenever I see them out and about. I also think I try to reach out to people who feel left out or look like they need company, which is how I can meet new friends!

Johann Eco
Class standing: Senior
Major: Mathematics for Secondary School Teacher
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Leader, Noyce Scholar Apprentice, TTSM President
The SMI program has given me valuable opportunities to go into different classrooms around the Riverside/Moreno Valley area and develop my content knowledge as well as certain pedagogies that necessitate effective teaching. From CSET Workshops to scholarships/financial support to Peer Mentoring, SMI has really provided a great abundance of resources that I have utilized in order to develop my interpersonal and technical skills as a future professional teacher. Additionally, the program has really helped me foster close relationships with many like-minded individuals.
One place I would really love to visit is South Korea or Japan. Apart from the fact that it's a beautiful city with several eye-catching features, I would love to experience the kind of culture that these countries have built-up by tasting some of their popular dishes, attending a class (maybe?) to see how they implement education and how it is similar/different from American education, and I would love to learn about the history of these countries.
The one word I would use to describe myself is diligent. I always hold myself responsible for anything and everything: whether it's deadlines or duties/tasks, I am on top of it and prioritize them in order to ensure that I create quality work in a timely manner. I always give everything my full attention, care, and commitment to ensure that whatever I produce is based on my best effort.

Daniel Hernandez
Class standing: Senior
Major: Mathematics for Secondary School Teacher
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Leader, SMI Tier II Scholar Apprentice
The SMI program has helped me in my professional pathway by providing structure and goals to meet. Coming into college I knew that I wanted to be a math teacher but I was not really sure what I had to complete to become a teacher. SMI informed me about CSETs and CBEST requirements to be able to get into graduate school and provided financial support for me to complete these tests. Additionally, it has provided me with the opportunity to go into classrooms and observe teachers working and actually experience what it is to be a teacher along with classes that helped me learn more about the complexity of managing a classroom.
One place/location that I would like to visit is the Camp Nou, which is a stadium in Barcelona, Spain. I am a big FC Barcelona fan and one of my dreams is to experience a home game. The atmosphere is always crazy on TV and I would like to be there live. I would prefer it to be a Champions League night because that is the biggest club tournament in Europe because it would make the night much more special.
One word I would choose to describe myself is being really positive. Not to say that I never have my bad days or that I never get sad or mad but it is hard for me to keep a negative mindset. I always try to approach life with a positive mind and keep my head up no matter how hard things get in life. I love to have a smile on my face and just push forward because I know that someday all my hard-work will pay off.

Riley Hunke
Class standing: Junior
Major: Mathematics for Secondary School Teacher
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Mentor, SMI Tier III Scholar, Student Office Assistant
The SMI program has provided me many opportunities to explore my potential career in STEM teaching and has helped solidify my decision to teach. Educ003 and Educ004 allowed me to visit classrooms and see what the day to day is like. SMI has also provided me with scholarships and many other services to help get through my 4 years here.
I really want to visit Oregon again because of how beautiful everything is and hiking is amazing over there.
I would choose the word welcoming because I always try my hardest to make everyone feel welcomed and cared for.

Jimi Lin
Class standing: Senior
Major: Biochemistry
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Leader, SMI Tier II Scholar Apprentice
SMI has helped me towards my pathway as a STEM educator by preparing me to get certified and to teach. There are so many resources that SMI offers that would help anyone begin their teaching career. Some of the numerous resources SMI offers are: advising appointments and peer mentorship to support you and to keep you on track, informational/preparation workshops from CSET exams to applying for graduate schools/teaching credential programs, hands-on classroom exposures that allows you to have a sense of how teaching would be like for you, and scholarship opportunities to aid you on your pathway as a future STEM educator.
One location/event that I would like to attend is the League of Legends World Championship as it is in North America this year. I think it would be super cool to see the players in person and to experience the tournament physically.
Rational. I believe this adjective suits me since I tend to be calm and more logical than emotional.

Brandon Lo
Class standing: Senior
Major: Biology
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Leader, Noyce Scholar Apprentice, TTSM Treasurer, Student Office Assistant
The SMI program has helped me on my professional pathway as a future STEM educator through fieldwork, mentorship, and financial support. SMI offers numerous courses and apprenticeships that include fieldwork, allowing me to get first-hand experience in a classroom. I also received guidance, advice, and support from a fellow STEM peer through the peer mentor program when I joined the program as a new freshman. Additionally, I benefited from SMI's tiered scholarships, exam reimbursement, and travel reimbursement, which relieved much financial stress as a college student.
I would like to visit Cambodia because my parents were born there and I have not been able to visit myself since the age of one. I hope to experience more of the culture my parents had and to finally meet all of my relatives living there.
Benevolent. In a high school class, my teacher had each student choose an adjective starting with the same letter as their first name, and I chose benevolent. I believe I embark on my life journey with well-meaning and kind energy, which is a factor in becoming a STEM educator. I hope to spread kindness and compassion through my teaching and make a lasting impact on my students.

Victor Villa
Class standing: Senior
Major: Mathematics for Secondary School Teacher
SMI Leadership Roles: Peer Leader, SMI Tier II Scholar Apprentice
The SMI program has helped me in my professional pathway as a future STEM Educator by providing me with the great opportunity of conducting fieldwork hours in different classrooms and working closely with mentor teachers. This experience and exposure in the classroom will ultimately help me become better prepared for a career in teaching. The program has also helped me in regards to gaining access to financial support and academic resources in the pursuance of a STEM teaching profession. CSET workshops, scholarships, and peer mentoring have all played a valuable role in helping me build my professional pathway.
One place I would like to personally visit is Hawaii. Ever since I was a kid, my family and I have always dreamed of going on a week-long trip there and experiencing the beauty of Hawaii. I would love to indulge myself in the culture there and to view different landscapes and to learn/absorb as much as I possibly can. From going on hikes to trying new foods and learning the spoken language, I would take advantage of the beauty that Hawaii has to offer.
One word I will use to best describe myself is relentless. I feel this word best describes me because of the fact that I always find a way to push through in life. Whether it be hardships in life circumstances or schoolwork, I feel as if I always find a way to keep going and move forward.